Marketo B2B Marketing Cheat Sheets for Markers

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Marketo has created a series of B2B Marketing Cheat Sheets tailor-made for B2B marketing professionals as a quick reference of topics including Social Media, Online Marketing, Marketing, twitter and facebook tips, marketing automation, lead scoring, lead nurturing and much more. They are not promotional materials but in fact educational to help enhance your education on […]

Servidor Dinámico Mejora SEO Móvil

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Los dueños de negocios utilizan una variedad de estrategias de marketing móvil para atraer a los consumidores de hoy. No hay duda de que los compradores utilizan sus teléfonos inteligentes para realizar una investigación preliminar sobre los productos y servicios que se pueden adquirir, y los webmasters necesitan desarrollar sitios móviles que se carguen rápidamente, […]

How to design a mobile website in Joomla

Posted 9 CommentsPosted in Online Marketing Tools

One of the most common questions I get from my Joomla training students now is: “how do I make my Joomla site ready for mobile phones?” There are two different paths to do this and the choice depends largely on whether you have a template or not. 1) Template Frameworks: If you’re looking for a […]

Here Is The First Ibero-American Map of Social Networks

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Here is the first Ibero-American map of social networks. This map was created to provide the fullest possible information on major social networks Latin America. Created by iRedes in Spain developed by Chiquite Esteban, director of Nuevas Narratives of, an online publishing company in Spain.With documentation of Miguel Jorge , journalist and author […]

How to manage an eCommerce SEO

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Introduction First, lets use Zappos as an example on how to run an ecommrce SEO. A quick intro to the search marketing landscape within Zappos. In 2008, Zappos did over $1,000,000,000 in sales. In addition to strong customer loyalty and an increasingly strong brand, the company has a robust and sophisticated paid search program in […]

Five Social Media Analytics tools for Measuring Social Media Impact

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Social media has become an essential part of any digital marketing initiative. Companies are discovering the importance of having a vital reputation and social presence online. As more and more social outlets appear online, it is of imperative importance to have a well-designed social media plan that includes a follow-up phase. Part of that plan is to put in place a tracking mechanism to measure your social media effectiveness and […]

How to Get YouTube Video on Google Organic Search & Optimize It.

Posted 8 CommentsPosted in Social Media, Technical SEO

Having a video showing up on Google organic is not the result of  the usual application of SEO strategies. This is because a video on Google organic comes from a well coordinated plan of  SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING (vital marketing) strategies. This is call SMM (Social Media Marketing), Not SEO. Video Marketing is a whole different ball game. Very often, Search […]

Google launches SECURE Google Search. Just add an S to the HTTP (httpS://…)

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Google has announced that it is now offering privacy-friendly SSL encryption on its search engine, becoming the first major company to offer the protection. For now you can log into the more secure Google SSL Beta service at  The “S” is critical, indicating you are connecting to Google’s server through the HTTPS protocol, rather than […]