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Google New algorithm RankBrain. The AI (Artificial Intelligence) System operates by teaching itself.


Google new classical algorithm MI RankBrain. The AI (Artificial Intelligence) system operates by teaching itself.

Google made another incredible announcement that sent shock waves through the Search Marketing industry by the end of last year. The new decision to utilize AI (Artificial Intelligence) system known as RankBrain to organize, monitor, upgrade page rank where necessary, its ultimately aimed at developing their core search algorithm for the future. RankBrain  is nothing new since it is rooted in semantic web. I wrote an article about this transition to semantic Search back in 2010.

Google’s RankBrain is designed to aid in processing search results. The RankBrain operates by Machine Intelligence (MI) teaching itself by developing a mental map of words, their meanings and interactions with other words. MI RankBrain needs to build a dictionary of words, and understand where they stand semantically and contextually, compared to other words in their dictionary.  RankBrain then becomes able  to complete tasks, and categories pages, and it is now currently being used to index billions of pages in Google search right now  in order to find the pages that are most relevant and most valuable for a given search query.


So When Does This Start To Effect SEOs?

As a matter of fact, over the past several months, a “substantial percentage” of all Google queries were handled by the MI RankBrain system, already. Of course, Google’s explanation for the change is their old goody slogan “to make the web a better place.”

For years, Google has used the process of Semantic language to gradually learn more about how and why people search. Knowledge Graph is one of those semantic initiatives from google to continue their quest for perfect search results. RankBrain it is not a  robot or new Knowledge Graph, nor is it connected to it–even though they are both AI systems.

RankBrain it is not

RankBrain is not an algorithm update like Panda, Penguin, or Hummingbird; although it is important to recognize that Rankbrain modification does works in conjunction with Hummingbird (which is a semantic search algorithm) to bring more relevant user results.

Skills to Match Up to Google RankBrain

If you are an SEO or a Digital Marketer, it is wise to learn what semantic webs is and how it works. This way we can predict, with a high degree of certainty, what google is up to next.

To further build up your Semantic SEO knowledge, here is a semantic “Most-know” list for SEOs to understand RankBrain, Intent & Concepts Themes (SEO Smart Keyword Research and semantic web.

Also you need to begin to focus on all new Mobile tools and functionalities Google is putting out in the market, since one of the major reasons for RankBrain is to also provide a better experience to mobile users.


  •  Introduction to Data Highlighter  (video below)
  • Social Open Graph Meta Tags for Facebook and Twitter\
    • Add your Social post on knowledge Grapp boxes
    • data markup to your site, vocabulary and JSON-LD markup format. Google’s help page on the topic
    • Adding structured markup to your site

      The vocabulary and JSON-LD markup format are an open standard for embedding structured data in web pages. In order for Google to recognize structured data as social profiles, make sure you fulfill these requirements:

      • Publish markup on a page on your official website
      • Pages with markup must not be blocked to the Googlebot by robots.txt
      • Include a Person or Organization record in your markup with:
        • “url” = the url of your official website
        • “sameAs” = the urls of your official social media profile pages

      Here is a basic JSON-LD template for an organization to specify several social profiles:

      <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context" : "",
        "@type" : "Organization",
        "name" : "Your Organization Name",
        "url" : "",
        "sameAs" : [

      Here is a similar template for a person to specify their social profiles:

      <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context" : "",
        "@type" : "Person",
        "name" : "your name",
        "url" : "",
        "sameAs" : [

      You can simply replace the url and social profiles with your own values, and insert this code into the page that shows users these profiles. If the profiles visible on the page are formatted differently from the markup, that’s okay.

      The SCRIPT block can be inserted anywhere on the page — either the head or body of the page.

      <span itemscope itemtype="">
        <link itemprop="url" href=""> 
        <a itemprop="sameAs" href="">FB</a>
        <a itemprop="sameAs" href="">Twitter</a>
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) displays data properties in Google Knowledge Graph



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2 thoughts on “Google New algorithm RankBrain. The AI (Artificial Intelligence) System operates by teaching itself.

  1. Excellent article Mary! There are many speculations regarding this update. Some people are saying that Google search will become completely automatized. Do you think that this search engine can one day become self-sustainable?

  2. If by self-sustainable, you mean that websites won’t need any optimization in order to be listed, that could be one possibility, in that, for example, many people are using automation with their CRMs (plugins that already contained parameters with google’s preference), in that very soon there could be a synergy between Web/App developers and google’s best webmaster/developer best practices–specially when google is almost dictacting now how to program (go), design, speed, servers, and even serve and display ads on your own site etc . One example is the use of cards

    The more tools Google pushes to the public the less guess work for developers leaving no space for deviation in the production, development and execution of your media. In another words, google is monopolizing the entire web in all its touch points, but I think content will continue to be a king when it comes the time for being indexable to ranking in a good position. Unless google tells you how to write and what to say..

    On the other hand, if google were to provide content itself without the need of websites and just ask for Pay per view, then Google, or any search engine for that matter would fail.

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