Internet MarketingSocial Media

Google real-time Tweets Adds a New Search Feature


Google’s adding an excellent new feature to its Twitter search options, in which online marketers could tap into quickly.

Google recently explained on their blog that this new feature could be used to “explore any topic” that people have discussed on Twitter. Want to know how the news broke about health care reform in Congress, what people were saying about the library of congress’ interest to acquire ENTIRE Twitter archive (lol) or what people were tweeting during your own company’s product launch.

I tested out today. I first checked what the tweeter trend was (Obama), and then I tweet something about it. Then i waited to see if my tweet appeared on Google search and how long would it take. It took one minute to show. I most say, this is is very cool. On my tweet comment I added a link. So if you are a savvy marketer, you can adjust your tweet comments to include a relevant link to your blog. Another thing you could do, is to find a trend topic that closely matches your market of intrest, and write a quick blog post about it. Then tweet.

I checked my Google analytics and hootsuit analytics, and I got quite some clicks and few following.

As for the new search feature Google is adding to Google’s existing real-time search, It’ll go live for English users within the next few days, but you can already test it here.

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