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How to download someone else’s Instagram LIVE story?



UPDATE: Chrome IG Story allows you to download someone else live video..

Originally I wrote this article which contained several steps to capture the video and audio with different applications, but the extension mentioned Chrome IG Story, now allows live IG videos to be downloaded.First, you have to access the 24-hour live video (story). You cannot download a live video in progress, need to wait till it ends and is posted for 24-hour viewing.

Here are the new steps to download Instagram live videos

  1. First, you have to access the 24-hour live video (story). You cannot download a live video in progress, need to wait till it ends and is posted for 24-hour viewing.
  2. I installed an extension (plugin) for Chrome that allows you not only to see stories but saved live 24h live streams. To access the stream, first search the person’s name, and then you will see his or her stories, but on the left, you will see the name, so double-click the name, and the recorded live video stream will play.
    PLUGIN: is called Chrome IG Story
  3. On the upper right of your browser, you will see the Chrome IG Story icon.
  4. To access the live video from Chrome IG story extension, double-click the logo/avatar of the account you want to access the story.
  5. It will give you an option to download the live story in two tracks (audio and video).
  6. The Chrome IG story extension allows you to download the live video in two separate tracks:
  7. Once you download it,  put the audio and video track back together with Final Cut Pro or iMovie for Mac, and Windows Movie Maker for Windows.



  • An option I captured screen with screenCast Matic free software (or use any other one you like).
    So, I recorded the video on my computer screen, but it comes with low-quality audio because the audio is picked up from the mic at the time of recording the video ( Instagram 24 hour live story (video stream).
  • Once you have your video, then we move on into recording the audio directly from the computer by using this amazing trick I found on youtube

  • Lastly, bring video into iMovie (for Mac) or Window Movie Maker, and split the video’s original audio, then delete that track. Then import the track that was recorded on the computer with good quality. I use Final Cut Pro, but you can use iMovie on Mac, or Video Movie Maker on Windows.
  • All you need is to synchronize the audio with the video, and it is not as hard as it sounds. I did it in about 3 min.
  • Save and enjoy! 🙂

HERE IS MY FINAL VIDEO: This Instagram live story video was recorded by a client with a phone that had lower low audio quality, so don’t think that your final video will sound like this,. Your final video will sound exactly as it was in the original video source.


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2 thoughts on “How to download someone else’s Instagram LIVE story?

  1. Allavsoft also helps to download videos from various video or music sharing website.

  2. sadly chrome IG Story is no longer available in chrome 🙁

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